Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Community Building

Another important thing that I do for community building is very simple and it requires no planning or materials.  This is something that I do all year long.  It is simply talking to my class.  I always have my class community in mind and take every opportunity to work on the environment.

In the beginning of the year I get to know the students as quickly as I can.  I ask them their parents' names, siblings, pets, hobbies, etc.  I make a point to remember this information and then I ask the students often about their family.  We do a lot of connecting to each other through these conversations.  The students also know that I care about them as people as well as students.

As the year moves along, I keep a very close ear to what is important to them.  If something is happening that I think would be beneficial to talk about, then I take time out of the academic day to do so.  Some example topics may be a death of a family member or pet, home event, illness, news event, etc.  Other examples may be positive things like birthdays, sports accomplishments, or hobbies that students might be involved in.

I find that this community building really makes the students know that I care about them.  When they know that I care, they work hard, and also trust me when they need help with something.  These connections are one of my favorite parts of being a teacher.


  1. Very well stated!! I love what you said about building trust and making connections with each of your students. Teachable moments are an important part of our school day!

  2. Trust is so important in all levels! I agree that making those connections is a top highlight for me as teacher as well!
